Invest in yourself.

We stock board games that pay dividends for more than just your lifetime.

Stir Up Friendly Competition With the Best Financial Education Games Around: 

Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow Games

The Entrepreneur Game

BeFree Investment Game

Our games

We stock Rich Dad’s Cashflow and Cashflow for Kids games in South Africa, as well as The Entrepreneur Game – the world’s only STEM-accredited entrepreneur board game, and the BeFree Investment game.

“My family and I play it every Sunday as part of our family time. It teaches financial literacy while having fun.”


Developed for times like these

More than ever, we need to rethink the way we think. Maybe the idea of “get a degree”, “get a job” and “work for retirement” isn’t meant for you?

Cashflow 101 Board Game South Africa

Fun & learning for everyone

Challenge your friends and family in the game – and then go invest in the real world and see real results. It’s not just a game.

Get out the rat race

The game builds on the solid principles from Robert’s books and helps teach them in a very practical way through the games.

Cashflow 101 Board Game